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JR Wojacek Pastor delivering a service in YOU Church

YOU Testimonies & Good News 

Here you can keep up to date with the Good News and testimonies of our church members along with exciting events and daily devotionals.

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share, please send it directly to or call us at 

+41 44 881 18 88.

YOU Church is the place where I found out where I’m coming from, who I am and that I have a purpose in life.

To have a place in this world where wonders and signs become something natural - like in the Bible times as Jesus taught and healed the people - and the prophetic and supernatural become a daily reality, is the reason that in the last 7 years I am like a magnet drawn into this outstanding community of Christians. The exceptional and unique teachings of Pastor J are changing me daily and transform me into this woman that God has created me to be. Thank you so much Sir, much appreciated and forever grateful.

Joana Ward

Since I regularly attend the services of the YOU Church, my awareness of who I am has increased. Through my personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, I am learning to discern the sources of influences. I am no longer a plaything of circumstances but capable of recognizing, for example, when external expectations come into play that I do not have to fulfill. I am increasingly learning that I don't have to set boundaries through toughness and that I am allowed to stand by myself and even say no, as I don't need to please everyone anymore. The Word of God has truly given me strength.

Moreover, many questions regarding religion and faith have already been clarified for me. I increasingly understand what it means when the Bible says that the Word of God is the light and thus provides insight. Through this understanding, I can apply the Bible in everyday life and am therefore very grateful for our gatherings.

Simone Vollmer

Rhapsody of Realities

Daily Devotional


The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth... (Daniel 4:17 NIV).

In many nations around the world, Christians are being attacked every day. In fact, in some cities, they stand the risk of being jailed or deregistered for speaking about Jesus. For this reason, some churches today are afraid to speak boldly. Even when they speak, they’re mindful of what they say so they don’t offend the “authorities.”

No; as long as you’re proclaiming the truth of God’s Word, be bold. Don’t keep quiet. Declare boldly before anyone the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, meaning God in the flesh. He’s the way, the truth and thelife, and no one can come into a relationship with God except by Him (John 14:6).

“But Pastor Chris, the law in my country forbids us from making such a claim,” someone may say. But the question is, where are you from? The one we’re talking about, Jesus Christ, rules in heaven, in the earth, and under the earth. He’s the Monarch of the Universe. His Word is law. So who would you rather obey?

The authorities in your country and in every country are subject to Him. The Bible says Jesus occupies the place of supreme honour in Heaven—a place that is infinitely superior to any conceivable command, authority, power, control or government. He bears a Name that’s far beyond any name that could ever be used in this world or the world to come.

Jesus rules; Heaven rules and the whole world must acknowledge it. The Bible tells us something remarkable Daniel said while interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a great tree that was felled. He said, “Thecommand to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules” (Daniel 4:26 NIV). Did you see that? Heaven rules! Even King Nebuchadnezzar, the king over all the nations at the time, had to learn a lesson that the heavens ruled, not him.

Don’t think the mayor of your city or the president of your country is the one ruling; you represent heaven, and heaven rules.


Dear Father, thank you for giving us power and authority in the Name of Jesus to reign and rule in this life. I proclaim, as a representative of your Kingdom here on earth, that your righteousness is established in every nation as the Gospel permeates into the hearts of all men, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Psalm 110:2; Ephesians 1:20-23 MSG


John 10:1-21 & 2 Kings 6-7

YOU Church, Zurich Switzerland



Through the lively and passionate teaching of JR Wojacek about Jesus Christ, the Bible and the new life in God, I have been able to learn so much over the last few years and have received deep, well-founded knowledge about God and the bible (both the Old and New Testament).  He has a tremendous teaching gift and his faith and enthusiasm for God are simply infectious. My own relationship with God is deeply rooted in the Word of God and has grown mightily through his ministry. JR has the ability to activate in people their own relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Simply brilliant.

Andrea Wanieck

Pastor J’s Services are a place where you can find the purpose for your life, find out truth that sets you
free for a life of abundance, love and joy in the Holy Spirit!
I have learnt that when I let go of my own desires and ambitions and allow God’s will to be done in my
life, I find true freedom and purpose. I am no longer bound by the chains of my past but am set free to
live a life of abundance and joy. God’s word has transformed my heart, renewed my mind and
restored my soul and I'm really a living testimony to God's faithfulness and love and am forever
grateful for the gift of salvation that He has freely given to me.

Markus Williner

Attending the YOU Church Services and being a part of Pastor J’s ministry, my life
has changed in many beautiful ways. Not only my mental health reached a higher
level, but I also have experienced more than once physical healing and divine
blessings. Being a part of such a strong movement in which God is displayed and an
atmosphere of faith and love is available for all those who believe is simply

Nathalie Tobler

I experience and marvel at how the presence and love of God manifests itself Sunday after Sunday through the ministry of Pastor J. This presence brings joy, healing, it strengthens and restores everything. The tendency is increasing! Simply supernaturally tangible.

I have experienced emotional and physical healing myself, have become free of fears and I leave the services with renewed joy, lightness, clarity and strength. Only a loving heart like that of our Pastor – Jella Wojacek - can achieve such things, because where God is at home, there is love. That's why attending a church service and what I can take home personally is so precious and important to me, irreplaceable and applicable to everyday life. A huge THANK YOU

Lorenza Schroeder

I always think it's cool to be at YOU Church. What Pastor J says is God's truth and he preaches "God in us". I really like the worship and the Sunday services are always well organized.


Since joining YOU Church, I have learned a lot from Pastor J. I have become stronger and experience a lot of joy in the church and in my everyday life.


I am very grateful for all the life-changing revelations from Pastor J and Pastor Chris,
such as that we can create our own world and reshape our life. It is never too late!
The book "The Power of Your Mind" has helped me a lot with this. The scripture
comes alive every day and I can apply it to every situation.
Praise God.

Thomas Langhart

Sometimes my mind becomes so busy with all the challenges and situations that come along
during the week. When I enter into worship at our Sunday Service everything seems to
vanish away! My mind becomes quiet and there is only peace and love that fill my whole
being. When Pastor J starts to share the word of God with us in such a powerful way, I am
ready to receive it! It seems as if I am the only one, God is talking to. I get the exact answer
or confirmation I was looking for! With amazement and supercharged, I am ready to take the
next step: make the decision, confront the situation or bring the solution!
I am forever grateful for my YOU Church, Pastor J and the whole team!

Karin Wolf

Thanks to the Holy Spirit, I was able to overcome fears within me in several phases, so that I could
grow deeper into divine love and many things became clearer for me. Thank you for this mighty grace
of God.


I have been a Christian for several years and since I have been attending Pastor J service at YOU Church regularly, the Spirit of God has given me a new revelation
through the Bible verse 2 Corinthians 5:17, which says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have
become new!"
I had already said "yes" to the redemptive work of Jesus and received the new life,
was justified by God and filled with the Holy Spirit. But that the WHOLE fullness of
God dwells in me as a result and that I AM already the new creation and therefore
EVERYTHING is new in me through the inheritance of Christ, this completely new
awareness was given to me by the teaching of Pastor J.
I don't have to do any good works, God's word and truth lives in me all the time. I
thank Jesus, that he has already accomplished everything for me!
I AM a blessing from God.

Lisbeth Leu

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